
Tuesday, Mar 26, 2024 6 min read

Mother's Wrist: What Is It & What You Can Do

Bridget Reed

Mother's Wrist: What Is It & What You Can Do product
Mother's Wrist: What Is It & What You Can Do

Mother's Wrist might be a term that's new to you, but if you're a mom, it could be something you've unknowingly encountered. It's a common experience among new mothers, often occurring when the tendons in the arm become strained due to repetitive lifting and holding of the baby. 


However, with the right knowledge and tools, it's something we can effectively manage and support recovery from. Empowerment begins with understanding. By exploring what Mother's Wrist is, its causes, and its symptoms, we can implement practical strategies to manage and even prevent this prevalent source of discomfort. 


An essential part of thriving and maintaining an active lifestyle amidst the demands of motherhood is to proactively address any source of tension.


What Is Mother's Wrist?

Mother's Wrist, clinically known as De Quervain's Tenosynovitis, is a condition that many new moms might encounter, often without realizing it. While De Quervain's Tenosynovitis can affect anyone and can be brought on by any form of repetitive lifting and holding, it typically arises due to the strain on the tendons in the arm from repetitive lifting and holding of the baby. 


The physical demands of motherhood are significant, and the constant lifting, carrying, and nursing of a baby can place a lot of stress on your body, particularly your wrists. The tendons in your arm, tasked with the heavy lifting, may sometimes become strained due to this repetitive motion. 


This can result in discomfort and tension that may affect your daily activities, making even the simplest tasks challenging. But here's the reassuring news: Mother's Wrist is manageable, and you can effectively address it with the right knowledge. 


Understanding the cause of this discomfort is the first step in managing it. 


What Can Cause Mother's Wrist?

While the main culprit of Mother’s Wrist is the physical strain that comes with new motherhood, other activities can contribute to the development of Mother's Wrist. Tasks that involve repetitive hand or wrist movements, like typing or knitting, can exacerbate the condition. Even habits you might not think twice about, like how you hold your phone or carry your grocery bags, can play a role.


Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also contribute to the onset of Mother's Wrist. During pregnancy, your body produces hormones that make your tissues more flexible, including those in your wrist. This increased flexibility, while useful during childbirth, can lead to instability and discomfort in your wrist post-pregnancy.


What Are the Symptoms of Mother's Wrist?

The primary symptom you'll notice with Mother's Wrist is a persistent discomfort in your wrist, especially when you're lifting or holding your baby. It can also show up when you're doing simple tasks like opening jars or typing on a keyboard. 


This discomfort can range from a dull ache to a sharp twinge, depending on the severity of the condition. But it's not just about discomfort. You might also experience a decrease in wrist strength, making it harder to grip items firmly. 


Some parents also report a tingling sensation or numbness in their fingers or hands. In severe cases, you might even notice swelling around your wrist.


These symptoms can have a significant impact on your daily life. Basic tasks like reading, cooking, typing, or even just enjoying a cup of coffee can become challenging. And, of course, it can affect how you care for your baby, introducing an unwelcome layer of stress into your already busy life. 


But don't worry; understanding the symptoms is the first step in managing this condition effectively.


Practical Tips To Soothe the Discomfort

Dealing with Mother's Wrist doesn't just stop at prevention. Active engagement in supportive practices can go a long way in managing and relieving discomfort. 


Here are some methods you might find useful.


Hot and Cold Therapy

Cold therapy is typically your first line of defense when dealing with a fresh strain or discomfort. Applying a cold pack can numb the area, which helps in reducing the initial soreness. The cold can also temporarily slow down local blood flow, reducing the body's immediate response to a strain that can often heighten the feeling of discomfort.


Then, if your discomfort has been lingering for more than a day, it's time to switch gears and consider heat therapy. Applying warmth can increase blood flow, bringing fresh nutrients to the area while also helping flush away metabolites (the byproducts of your body's natural processes that can contribute to discomfort). 


This increased circulation can provide a soothing effect to the areas of concern, helping you to feel better and keep moving.


Gentle Exercises

Easy and gentle exercises can significantly impact your journey towards feeling better. Wrist rotations, gentle stretches, or squeezing a stress ball can help enhance blood circulation and ensure muscle flexibility, reducing the likelihood of tension. 


Remember, these exercises should not cause further discomfort. If needed, a physical therapist can provide further aid in finding the right exercises for your routine.


Avoid Activities That Exacerbate Discomfort

Lifestyle changes can also make a big difference. Pay attention to how you're using your wrist throughout the day. 


Are there activities you can modify to put less strain on your wrist? If, for example, the discomfort gets worse when lifting your baby, make sure to use your whole arm, not just your wrist. If you notice it while typing or texting, try taking regular breaks and consider ergonomic setup in your home and work environment.


Wear Supportive Gear

Getting back into the rhythm of the day might require a little more support. Using wrist braces or compression wrist sleeves can greatly aid in managing Mother's Wrist. They help stabilize the area, support healthy blood flow, and provide relief.


Our Copper Fit sleeves and braces are designed to cater to such needs. For moments when your wrist is craving a little extra TLC, our Rapid Relief Wrist Wrap can provide cooling relief along with compression, evenly distributing pressure across the wrist and supporting blood flow. 


If the discomfort creeps in as you type or work throughout the day, the Wrist Relief Pro can provide stabilization and support without limiting your range of motion. Managing Mother's Wrist is all about being proactive and equipped with the right resources, both in knowledge and practical tools. 


With our range of products, you can confidently navigate your day, knowing you're taking the right steps to soothe discomfort, support healthy blood flow, and promote muscle relaxation.


Tips for Preventing and Managing Mother’s Wrist 

In the beautiful whirlwind of motherhood, it's crucial to remember that your well-being is just as important as your baby's. The journey might be challenging, but you can effectively manage and even prevent discomfort from Mother's Wrist with awareness and preventive measures.


To help avoid putting strain on your wrists, imagine lifting your child as a whole-body movement, relying primarily on your arms and legs rather than just your wrists. By distributing the weight over larger muscle groups, you significantly reduce the strain on your wrists. 


It can also help to bring variety to how you hold your baby. Rotating your wrist position can help disrupt the cycle of repetitive movement, easing the constant stress on a particular area.


Don't hesitate to seek help if you need it. Whether it's asking a friend or family member to help with baby duties or seeking medical advice if your discomfort continues, remember you don't have to handle this alone.


The Bottom Line

In the journey of motherhood, your well-being is essential. Tackling Mother's Wrist becomes possible when you combine awareness with preventive measures. 


Mastering the art of lifting your child using your arms and legs, varying how you hold your baby, incorporating wrist-friendly exercises, and identifying high-risk activities can all help reduce the strain on your wrists.


Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Copper Fit is here to support you with products designed to soothe discomfort and support healthy blood flow. We invite you to explore our full collection of supportive apparel and gear to help you navigate this incredible phase of life with less discomfort and more joy.


Always remember to listen to your body, take breaks when needed, and seek help if your discomfort persists. You're doing an amazing job, and with the right support and tools, you've got this!



De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis: Symptoms and Treatment | Cleveland Clinic

Hormones in pregnancy | PMC

Ice Packs vs. Warm Compresses For Pain | Johns Hopkins Medicine

4 Steps to Set Up Your Workstation | UCLA

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